Chef de projet & Facilitateur en Innovation

Salut, je suis Audric, chef de projet expérimenté et facilitateur en innovation. Je pilote des projets complexes dans de multiples domaines (Photovoltaïque, Chimie, aéronautique, automobile…) et vous accompagne dans votre changement. De l’émergence d’idée à la mise en service, je garantis des solutions innovantes tout en respectant l’humain, les normes de qualité, les délais ainsi que le budget.
― Compétences
Management de projet
Innovation produit & créativité
Modélisation CAO (Catia, SolidWorks, Inventor)
Prototypage rapide (Impression 3D, découpe laser et autres outillages)
Leadership & Adaptabilité
Communication transversale
Pour en savoir plus sur mon parcours professionnel et scolaire: cliquez içi

― Hermann Issa
We've worked on many projects together with Brooke at Stilltech, and she's a true asset to any team. She's a team player, but think on her feet and never settles for a no. Her ambition and passion for what she does is uncanny, and it's been a pleasure to see her progress and grow more confident in her professional role over time. I thoroughly recommend her for any leadership or project management roles.

Brooke was my manager at Yeall & Co and taught me everything I know about project management. As an intern, she never treated me differently from other team members – instead, she whole-heartedly embraced my ideas and input. She helped me to think about the bigger picture and implement strategy into my everyday work, but also showed me how to bring people together and unite them for a single goal.

― ILS M'ont fait confiance
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